lesbian Archives - Dan Griffin https://dangriffin.com/tag/lesbian/ A Man's Way - Helping Men Be Better Men Wed, 23 Jan 2019 21:14:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 Turn Your Fears Into Actions – Episode 59 https://dangriffin.com/diversity-fears-action/ Mon, 16 Apr 2018 23:37:05 +0000 https://dangriffin.com/?p=7292 Jess Pettitt is, among other things, a diversity educator. Did you just roll your eyes at that? Did you shudder at the memory of a terrible corporate diversity training you we forced to attend in the past? Did you recall...

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Jess Pettitt joins Dan Griffin on The Man Rules podcast to talk about her book Good Enough Now

Jess Pettitt is, among other things, a diversity educator.

Did you just roll your eyes at that? Did you shudder at the memory of a terrible corporate diversity training you we forced to attend in the past? Did you recall a particularly hilarious episode of The Office where they brilliantly spoofed diversity trainings? Did you feel annoyed at the idea of giving the PC Police yet another platform and frustrated by the fact that you can’t say anything to anyone anymore without offending them?

Then, you’re definitely going to want to listen to this show.

Jess and Dan shine a light on how the fear of getting it wrong—  whether “it” is breaking one of The Man Rules or saying the wrong thing at the wrong time to your female co-worker— prevents us from learning from one another, developing meaningful connections, and advocating for positive changes. And this is not a one-sided conversation. This is no liberals-are-awesome-and-conservatives-suck kind of deal. It is about learning how to listen to everyone.

Jess also shares some great practical tips for doing the best you can with what you have some of the time, instead of striving for perfection or opting out due to pressure and frustration.  

Practical and Tactical

  1. You can’t get mad at someone for acting the way that you expected them to act. If someone behaves in a way that you expected them to, and you get mad about it, work on reacting in a different way.
  2. You can get mad at yourself for how you act. Be aware of how you show up in interactions with the people around you, and take responsibility for any negative reactions, whether you intended to cause offense or not.
  3. It’s important to take responsibility, but at the same time, give yourself a bit of a break. The way you were likely taught to perform masculinity doesn’t leave much room for you to forgive yourself or take care of your emotional needs. So give yourself permission to do exactly that.

About Our Guest

Audiences are inspired to stand up and take action as Jessica Pettitt leads them down the path to understanding they are good enough to make the changes they seek. Challenging long-held assumptions about the type of people who drive change and are successful, Jessica eradicates excuses and provides strategies to communicate openly and actively seek success. As a professional speaker, her expertise earned her the Certified Speaking Professional designation from the National Speakers Association. A designation held by fewer than 800 people worldwide. As a facilitator, she provides the framework for open, welcoming, and productive conversation. Whether she provides a motivational keynote, an in-depth workshop, facilitates group interaction, or frames an entire conference as emcee, Jessica brings humor, a high-level understanding of adult learning, and an ability to engage participants and encourage them to engage with each other. Participants walk away focused and confident in their role to make change now.


Mentioned in This Episode

Good Enough Now

Fassinger’s Identity Model

Jess’s TEDx Talk – The Day Everything Changed

Roger’s Innovation Adoption Curve

Harry Potter

The post Turn Your Fears Into Actions – Episode 59 appeared first on Dan Griffin.
