man rules Archives - Dan Griffin A Man's Way - Helping Men Be Better Men Mon, 28 Jan 2019 22:11:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Get it Together, Man Mon, 28 Jan 2019 22:11:44 +0000 As we near the end of January, we often also near the end or our resolve to finally get our shit together this year. We made our resolutions because we know that the feeling of being perpetually disorganized and out...

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Dan Griffin, Darcy Luoma, thoughtfully fit, man rules, priorities, organizing, conscious masculinityAs we near the end of January, we often also near the end or our resolve to finally get our shit together this year. We made our resolutions because we know that the feeling of being perpetually disorganized and out of control brings us down. It leaves us feeling lost, unsatisfied, and useless. So, why isn’t that enough to keep us motivated to make changes?

According to this week’s guest Darcy Luoma–who is an executive coach and organizational development consultant–it may be because you’re focusing on the wrong things for the wrong reasons. Are you trying to get your life together because you want it to align more with your values, or with someone else’s values? Do you even know for certain what your values are?  

Listen this week for some tips on building the life you want based on Darcy’s Thoughtfully Fit program. And, get even more great tips by texting tfcalendar to 33444

Let us know what you think about this episode–or anything related to the podcast, by sending an email to [email protected], You could also find us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.


The post Get it Together, Man appeared first on Dan Griffin.
